Rick Rosalina has over 25 years of experience in event management and the trade show industry. In 2005, he launched getVamp LLC to provide graphics design and print services to the tradeshow and event industry. Today Get Vamp has reached its original vision of becoming a multi-media service company providing video, advertising, media and print services to its clients. In 2009, Rick launched Expo Event Services to provide CAD design and technology services to the trade show industry. Now Rick is proud to say that Expo Event Services has grown into a full service event contractor, expanding on the vision that was started when Rick founded Curiosity Works, the parent company of getVamp LLC in March of 2001 to help service the trade show and special events industry. Curiosity Works was strategically designed to be able to provide show owners and exhibitors with any and all levels of event support. He created a mobile working environment that is available to assist clients upon request. Leading up to the launch of Curiosity Works Rick Rosalina was the Operation Director for Advanstar Communication, overseeing the logistics management of 12 International Beauty Shows and 4 Art events. In addition Rick provided Advanstar with support in company budgets, acquisitions and business development within the Operation Division. Prior to being an Operation Director for the trade show industry, Rick has an extensive special events background. For 5 years he worked in Cleveland as the Operations Manager for the following events; Disney New Years in Cleveland, Cleveland Bicentennial Celebration, Sea Word on The Water, Save Our Browns Campaign, Cleveland River Fest and much more.